Minggu, 31 Juli 2016

What's Causing Your Pain?

Pain may be caused by simple, everyday objects, tasks and activities
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Best and Worst Belly Fat Foods
Evaluate your IQ of the best and worst foods for belly fat. Get quick facts and learn how excessive belly fat causes health problems. Read more...
10 Common Allergy Triggers and Causes
Allergies are an overreaction of the immune system where the body's defenses react to substances such as pollen, food, and more. Read more...
Ringworm (tinea) Fungal Infection
Ringworm (tinea) is caused by a fungal infection on the skin. Pets can transmit the condition to humans. Read more...
Is There a New Way to Get Zika?
Number of Advanced Prostate Cancer Cases Soars: U.S. Study
Does Living Near a Fracking Site Make Asthma Worse?
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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

Bad Bugs: What Bit You?

Learn to identify and treat bites and stings
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How Well Do You Know Lyme Disease?
Is Lyme disease contagious? Can it be prevented? What are the symptoms? Put your knowledge of Lyme disease to the test. Read more...
Surprising Causes of Dehydration
Drinking plenty of water is only one way to prevent dehydration. Learn causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention tips. Read more...
Protect Yourself From Poison Ivy
If you've been hiking, camping, or around any suspicious plants recently, it's important to know how to identify and treat this rash. Read more...
Limit Kids' Exposure to Media Violence, Pediatricians Say
U.S. Cases of Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Rise Fourfold in One Year
More Than 100 Drugs Pose Risk to Heart Failure Patients
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