Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

Stunted Growth Linked to Infant Asthma Drug

Study: Infants given inhaled corticosteroids during the first 2 years of life were too short for their age.
MedicineNet's Allergy and Asthma Newsletter
Friday, October 09, 2015 Follow Us       

Asthma Drug Use in Infants Linked to Stunted Growth

Treating babies with asthma medication may stunt their growth, new research suggests. Medications called inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) that can treat conditions like...
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Health Tip: Climate Can Affect Allergies

Allergies can make the coming of a new season miserable. The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology explains how...
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Study Links Early Infections to Celiac Risk

Children who have a lot of infections in the first 18 months of life may have an increased risk for celiac disease, a new study from Norway suggests. The study found that children with 10 or more...
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Health Tip: Live Better With Asthma

By keeping your asthma under control and creating a plan for when attacks strike, asthma doesn't have to ruin your health. The U.S. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute suggests...
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 Drugs and Medications

triamcinolone acetonide inhaler, Azmacort

DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Triamcinolone is a synthetic (man-made) steroid of the glucocorticoid family used for treating asthma. It is similar to beclomethasone (Vanceril, QVAR)...
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