Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

10 Worst Cities for Asthma

Do you live in one of the 10 worst cites for asthma?
MedicineNet's Allergy and Asthma Newsletter
Monday, August 08, 2016 Follow Us       

The 10 Worst Cities for Asthma

Do you live in one of the 10 worst cites for asthma? There is no such thing as an asthma-free city, but some are more difficult than others for people with asthma to live in, according to the Asthma...
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Asthma Symptoms, Causes, and Medications

What is asthma? Learn about asthma, a chronic inflammation disorder of the bronchiole tubes (airways). Discover information about an asthma attack, asthma symptoms, prevention and...
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 Diseases and Conditions


ELISA stands for 'enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.' An ELISA test uses components of the immune system and chemicals to detect immune responses in the body for example, to infectious...
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Health Tip: Using a Neti Pot

A Neti pot can help clean clogged sinuses and offer relief from nasal congestion. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration offers these guidelines for proper use: Always wash and dry your hands...
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Amish Lifestyle Brings Unexpected Benefit: Less Asthma

It can't be easy living a 19th-century life in the midst of 21st-century technology, but new research suggests the Amish people have at least one distinct advantage over the rest of the population...
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