Senin, 13 Maret 2017

Early Allergies -- Payback for a Mild Winter?

The mild winter in many parts of the US looks like it could mean an early allergy season
MedicineNet's Allergy and Asthma Newsletter
Monday, March 13, 2017 Follow Us       

Early Allergies -- Payback for a Mild Winter?

The mild winter in many parts of the United States looks like it could mean an early and severe allergy season, a physician says. 'For weeks, I've had patients arrive in my office...
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Health Tip: Create an Emergency Plan for Deadly Allergy Reaction

An anaphylaxis emergency plan is key to protecting your child against a deadly allergic reaction -- especially at school when you're not around. Here's what the plan should include, courtesy of the...
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City Tax on Cars Cut Pollution, Kids' Asthma Risk

A tax designed to reduce mid-city traffic in Stockholm, Sweden, was tied to a reduction in asthma attacks in children, a new study suggests. 'The key takeaways of this paper are...
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Secondhand Smoke Linked to Food Allergies in Kids

Exposure to secondhand smoke in the first few weeks of life could boost the risk that kids will develop food allergies, a new study suggests. 'Early life exposure to secondhand...
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Obesity May Raise Girls' Risk of Asthma, Allergies

Obese girls may face a significantly higher risk for developing allergies, a new study suggests. But the researchers found the opposite was true for obese boys: They may...
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