Kamis, 06 April 2017

10 Tips for a Healthy Night's Sleep

Insomnia is a condition characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep
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Is Belly Fat That Bad?
Learn how to get rid of belly fat through diet and exercise. Learn the health implications of abdomninal fat and how to burn belly fat. Read more...
Digestive Distress: Problem Foods to Avoid
They're high in fat and can bring on diarrhea. Rich sauces, fatty cuts of meat, and buttery or creamy desserts can cause problems, too. Read more...
Genital Warts (HPV) in Women
HPV infection is the most common STD in the U.S., and is transmitted through sexual contact. Treatment options include medications. Read more...
Trending Health News
4 in 10 U.S. Adults Under 60 Carry HPV
'Yo-Yo' Dieting Does No Favors for Your Heart
Skin's Bacterial 'Balance' May Help Trigger Acne
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