Kamis, 09 Mei 2024

Almost 40% of Americans Live With Dirty Air

Nearly 40% of Americans live where the air is polluted enough to harm them...
Thursday, May 9, 2024       
MedicineNet's Allergy and Asthma Newsletter
Almost 40% of Americans Live With Dirty Air

Nearly 40% of Americans live where the air is polluted enough to harm them, a new report warns. In the American Lung Association's 'State of the Air' report, the number of people living with...
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 Diseases and Conditions
Hypoxia (Hypoxemia): Low Blood Oxygen Signs, Causes, Treatment

Hypoxia is a condition in which the normal concentration of oxygen in the blood is not enough for normal life functions. Symptoms of hypoxia or hypoxemia may be acute such as fast heart rate...
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COVID Does Not Spur Asthma in Kids

There's no evidence that a COVID infection increases the risk of asthma in children, the first study to date on the subject finds. 'We knew from a number of really nice studies over the last decade...
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Researchers Find New Way to Curb Asthma Attacks

A protein that shuts down immune cells in the lungs could be key to a new treatment for asthma attacks, a new report says. The naturally occurring protein, called Piezo1, prevents a type of...
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What Is Chronic Sinusitis, and How Is it Treated?

Stuffy, sneezing, miserable: folks plagued by chronic sinusitis know the feeling all too well. Experts at University of Cincinnati Health say it's also an all-too-common affliction, affecting nearly all...
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